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The experiencing trouble of LED display manufacturers

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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2015
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 09, 2015 2:49 am    Sujet du message: The experiencing trouble of LED display manufacturers Répondre en citant

On to the Gala next to the provincial party, austerity, especially in terms of stage design is saved. The LED display of the policies on project-oriented businesses hardest hit. According to insiders, policy impact will gradually emerge after next May. Without the pull of major projects, LED display was unable to expand in the conventional field with its trouble. Bellow are that the LED display manufacturers experiencing trouble this year.

In 2015, the LED display companies struggling in the following three aspects:
Lightweight, high-performance products.

Led display companies have always been dominated by volume, despite statistics, China is the world's 80% LED display products manufacturing power, but business is still poor. Large numbers of new businesses are struggling in the low-end market, as long as they can do alone, even if losing money to guarantee revenue growth.
Development of a shortage of funds, lack of marketing channel.

Dark horse in recent one or two years because of the LED lighting industry, attracted a lot of investment horizon, LED display manufacturer is gradually losing the investment boom; these products mostly belong to the channel project, enterprise products if there is a problem in itself, may affect the credibility of the whole company, and the lack of new market development, will aggravate the problem.
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2015
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 09, 2015 2:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As LED display manufacturer is fully competitive in a State of disorder, low price competition of consequence, killing 800 of 1000 since the loss, falling profits Enterprise capital chain vulnerable. Encounter one or two accidents or problems with the loan funds appears tense even arrears at enterprises to survive, enterprises have the LED display in 2013 is particularly evident when there is a wave of failures.
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Inscrit le: 09 Sep 2015
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 09, 2015 8:09 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

So great coque galaxy j1 housse galaxy j1
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